School Consultation
Our practice is built on the founding principle that our greatest strength is the collective experience and skills of our team. That's why we have built a team of providers with diverse specialties and backgrounds.
Children, teachers, and staff spend over 32 hours a week at school. We understand and appreciate the dedication required to work in education, and believe the best way to support our students is to support their teachers and school system administrators, and support staff.
Your schools serve a large population of students, each with unique needs. We believe in equipping teachers and school staff with evidence-based techniques to enable them to serve all of their students, from preschool to high school. Whether in a separate-setting autism classroom or a regular education math class, we are always going to provide your staff with the most up-to-date, research-based methods to meet their needs.
We currently serve over 20 school systems, private and charter schools in North Carolina. Each school system's needs are unique and that's why we work with the Exceptional Children's department, administrators, and other appropriate staff to create an individualized plan to meet the specific needs of the system.

Our team of highly qualified and experienced providers currently serve schools in some of the following ways:

Get in touch.
Want to learn more about our school consultation services? Fill out the form and one of our providers will contact you.